Human Resource & Campus Ambassador

Anushka Prasad
4 min readJul 14, 2021


What does recruitment means?

Recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, interviewing, selecting, hiring and on boarding employees. In other words, it involves everything from the identification of a staffing need to filling it.

Depending on the size of an organization, recruitment is the responsibility of a range of workers. Larger organizations may have entire teams of recruiters, while others only a single recruiter. In small outfits, the hiring manager may be responsible for recruiting.

Different way of Recruiting using Social Media

For believers in social recruiting, the method offers a more-efficient and cost-effective alternative to conventional online recruiting, like

Social recruiting practices include things like:

  • Identifying potential candidates on LinkedIn.
  • Sending a potential applicant a direct message on Facebook.
  • Tweet links to available positions, and include relevant hashtags to build long-term cohesion.
  • Post employee photos on your organization’s Instagram account with a message encouraging others to join your team, apply for open positions (with links), or add their resume to your recruiting pool.
  • Creating videos to share on YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram pages that highlight and outline your organization’s culture.

Tips for effective social recruiting

Each organization determines its own social recruitment strategy tailored to its own employment needs. From a philosophical standpoint, however, there are important fundamentals of effective social recruiting.

Network and directly engage with your audience: if a potential candidate adds a comment to an Instagram or Twitter post, for example, that suggests interest in joining your organization, so be sure to respond to them in a personal way. This can be as simple as using their first name and encouraging them to check out available positions. Making a personal connection, however small, is essential.

Make sure your social recruiting highlights, directly your company culture: you should have a clear and detailed idea about your organization’s core values and culture. You should also be able to directly connect that culture and those values to your social recruiting outreach

Involve your staff: encouraging your staff to help in your social recruiting efforts is beneficial for multiple reasons. First, it expands the reach of your social recruiting content. In addition, making a connection is essential. Creating the conditions where candidates might connect with peers provides another opportunity for a connection.

Be consistent: social recruiting requires consistent engagement with your audience of potential candidates. In addition, you should always stay current with the latest industry trends and concepts by reading the top recruiting books published each year. Remember, social recruiting is not as simple as posting jobs and receiving applicants. The best candidates already have jobs and potentially are not actively looking to move. The way to attract those candidates, therefore, is to consistently build an attractive corporate brand and culture over time.

How to get Referrals from people on LinkedIn?

There are three steps to getting a successful referral through LinkedIn:

· Find the right person

· Send the right message

· Follow-up

Whom should you send the message?

· Find people who are working in your target company.

· Prefer people who are working in the same domain. As in, if you’re a fronted developer, it is better to ask a fronted developer to refer you for the available position. They can judge you better based on your resume and your skills.

· LinkedIn allows you to send messages to a limited number of people. Prefer people who’ve been active on LinkedIn in the past one month. Here, activity means a like/comment/post/share.

What should you send in the message?

Follow these DO’s and DONT’s to decide what to send.

· Cut the small talk and get to the point. Don’t drop a “Hi” and wait for the other person to respond back to continue the conversation?

· Provide proper context. Don’t just send a straight “Can you refer me?” without any context.

· Keep the message informative. Send your message with the proper job id and URL of the opening (from company career page, LinkedIn, etc).

· Sell yourself. If you’ve something to showcase, mention that.
Example: any tech talk that you’ve delivered, any open-source contributions that you have made, your personal website, etc.

· Create a template. Following a proper template of the referral message which includes the above points will make it easier for you to apply to multiple roles.

If your message is concise and appealing, your chances of getting a reply will be pretty high. The referrer may even suggest some improvements or provide some valuable feedback. Either way, it’s a win for you.

What to do after sending the message?

With the right message sent to the right folks, you will most likely get a lot of referrals from multiple amazing people.

People are busy and may not respond to or even read your message immediately. If you do not get a reply, send a follow-up message after a few days. Send at max 2–3 follow-ups spread across 10–15 days. If it still doesn’t work, try to find someone else for a referral.

Thank you.



Anushka Prasad

I have newly entered in the competition and keenly interested to work by using my skills . I am a quick learner and hold the audacity to face the challenges .